SignallingSingleCell is an R package that provides an end-to-end approach for the analysis of scRNA-seq data, with a particular focus on building ligand and receptor signaling networks.

SignallingSingleCell Package

The workflow of SignallingSingleCell consists of a few key steps;

  • filtering
  • gene selection
  • dimension reduction
  • clustering
  • differential expression
  • network analysis.

Additionally, the package has a variety of features that were built in an ad hoc manner. These features include algorithms for the detection of marker genes that are specific to each cell type, aggregation functions used to construct in silico bulk data, and a supervised method of scRNA-seq analysis in order to contextualize the scRNA-seq data with commonly used immunological markers.

Each of the steps in the analysis workflow will be described in the following vignette by applying the package to the BMDC and human vitiligo scRNA-seq data.


We performed scRNA-seq on the bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BDMCs) in order to determine the cell populations that are present, contextualize these cell populations based on recent studies. We have analyzed the data using the R package, SignallingSingleCell.

The data used in this vignette is derived from Bone marrow extracted from 6-8 week old female C57 mice, and floating cells were collected on day 8 after derivation with GM-CSF following the protocol in (Donnard et al., 2018). BMDCs were then stimulated with LPS for 0, 1, and 4 hr before performing scRNA-seq using an in house built inDrop system (Klein et al., 2015).

Package and Data Loading

# devtools::install_github("garber-lab/SignallingSingleCell")


Constructing the ExpressionSet Class

The ExpressionSet class (ex_sc) is a convenient data structure that contains 3 dataframes. These dataframes contain expression data, cell information, and gene information respectively.

exprs(ex_sc) is the expression data, where rows are genes and columns are cells. pData(ex_sc) is cell information, where rows are cells and columns are metadata. fData(ex_sc) is gene information, where rows are genes and columns are metadata.

ex_sc <- construct_ex_sc(input = mDC_UMI_Table) # mDC_UMI_Table == Digital Gene Expression Matrix
[1] "matrix" "array" 
[1] "ExpressionSet"
[1] "Biobase"
ex_sc # pData() and fData() are empty
ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 11584 features, 3814 samples 
  element names: exprs 
protocolData: none
phenoData: none
featureData: none
experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
0610007P14Rik                     0                     0                     0
0610009B22Rik                     0                     0                     0
0610009O20Rik                     0                     0                     0
0610010B08Rik                     0                     0                     0
0610010F05Rik                     0                     0                     0
0610007P14Rik                     0                     0
0610009B22Rik                     0                     0
0610009O20Rik                     0                     0
0610010B08Rik                     0                     0
0610010F05Rik                     0                     0
data frame with 0 columns and 5 rows
data frame with 0 columns and 5 rows

Data Annotation

Often we have metadata about the experiment that can be valuable in the analysis! Writing that information now may be appropriate. Our experiment consists of a time course with LPS stimulation. The cell names in the DGE Matrix contain a substring encoding this information.

pData(ex_sc)$Timepoint <- NA # initialize a new pData column
< table of extent 0 >
pData(ex_sc)[grep("0hr", rownames(pData(ex_sc))),"Timepoint"] <- "0hr"
pData(ex_sc)[grep("1hr", rownames(pData(ex_sc))),"Timepoint"] <- "1hr"
pData(ex_sc)[grep("4hr", rownames(pData(ex_sc))),"Timepoint"] <- "4hr"

 0hr  1hr  4hr 
1729 1004 1081 


Often you will want to filter your data to remove low quality cells. There are many ways to do this, often using the number of captured transcripts, unique genes per cell, or the percent of mitochrondrial genes to remove low quality cells.

ex_sc <- calc_libsize(ex_sc, suffix = "raw") # sums counts for each cell
ex_sc <- pre_filter(ex_sc, minUMI = 1000, maxUMI = 10000, threshold = 1, minCells = 10,  print_progress = TRUE) # filters cells and genes
[1] "Filtering Genes"
[1] "Filtering Low Cells"
ex_sc <- calc_libsize(ex_sc, suffix = "raw_filtered")
plot_density(ex_sc, title = "UMI Density",  val = "UMI_sum_raw_filtered", statistic = "mean")  

                      Timepoint UMI_sum_raw UMI_sum_raw_filtered
0hrA_TGACGGACAAGTAATC       0hr        4572                 4570
0hrA_CACAACAGTAGCCTCG       0hr        1581                 1580
0hrA_GTTTGTTTGCACCTCT       0hr        2296                 2288
0hrA_GCTTACCTTGACCCTC       0hr        2098                 2097
0hrA_GGAGAAGCGCTTTGGC       0hr        2425                 2421
0hrA_AAATCAGAGATCTCGG       0hr        6618                 6601
plot_density_ridge(ex_sc, title = "UMI Density",  val = "UMI_sum_raw_filtered", color_by = "Timepoint")  
Picking joint bandwidth of 444

Basic scRNA-seq analysis

Dimension reduction

Dimensionality reduction is necessary in order to bring the cells from a high dimensional gene expression space (~10k dimensions, one dimension per gene) down to a more reasonable number. Typically this is done first with PCA to bring it down to ~5-15 dimensions, before a final embedding is done using tSNE or UMAP to bring it down to 2 dimensions.

gene_subset <- subset_genes(ex_sc, method = "PCA", threshold = 1, minCells = 20, nComp = 10, cutoff = 0.85)
Features  Samples 
   11055     3812 
[1] 1513
ex_sc <- dim_reduce(ex_sc, genelist = gene_subset, pre_reduce = "vPCA", nVar = .9, nComp = 30, iterations = 500, print_progress=TRUE) 
[1] "Starting vPCA"
[1] "Starting tSNE"
Read the 3812 x 6 data matrix successfully!
Using no_dims = 2, perplexity = 30.000000, and theta = 0.500000
Computing input similarities...
Building tree...
Done in 0.31 seconds (sparsity = 0.030912)!
Learning embedding...
Iteration 50: error is 85.845353 (50 iterations in 0.50 seconds)
Iteration 100: error is 75.307036 (50 iterations in 0.49 seconds)
Iteration 150: error is 74.449677 (50 iterations in 0.44 seconds)
Iteration 200: error is 74.240812 (50 iterations in 0.42 seconds)
Iteration 250: error is 74.171150 (50 iterations in 0.42 seconds)
Iteration 300: error is 2.162252 (50 iterations in 0.38 seconds)
Iteration 350: error is 1.794241 (50 iterations in 0.37 seconds)
Iteration 400: error is 1.620242 (50 iterations in 0.39 seconds)
Iteration 450: error is 1.520989 (50 iterations in 0.39 seconds)
Iteration 500: error is 1.459182 (50 iterations in 0.40 seconds)
Fitting performed in 4.20 seconds.
plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "Timepoint") 

ex_sc <- dim_reduce(ex_sc, genelist = gene_subset, pre_reduce = "iPCA", nComp = 12, tSNE_perp = 30, iterations = 500, print_progress=FALSE) 
plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "Timepoint") 

plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "iPC_Comp1", title = "PC1 cell loadings") 

plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "iPC_Comp2", title = "PC2 cell loadings") 

plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "iPC_Comp3", title = "PC3 cell loadings") 


Now that we have dimension reduced data we can try clustering it! For dimensions, both Comp and 2d are supported. There will determine if the clustering is done on principal components, or on the 2D representation. There are also 2 clustering algorithms available, density and spectral. Typically we recommend spectral clustering on PCA components, or density clustering on the 2d representation. Try both!

ex_sc <- cluster_sc(ex_sc, dimension = "Comp", method = "spectral", num_clust = 4) 
ex_sc$cluster_spectral <- ex_sc$Cluster
ex_sc <- cluster_sc(ex_sc, dimension = "2d", method = "density", num_clust = 4) 
Distance cutoff calculated to 0.05082406 
ex_sc$cluster_density <- ex_sc$Cluster
plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "cluster_spectral")

plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc, color_by = "cluster_density")

Cell Type identification

There are many possible ways to identify cell types based on their gene expression. The id_markers function will identify genes that are highly expressed in a high proportion of a given cluster, relative to the other clusters.

ex_sc <- id_markers(ex_sc, print_progress = TRUE) 
[1] "Finding markers based on fraction expressing"
[1] "Finding markers based on mean expressing"
[1] "Merging Lists"
ex_sc <- calc_agg_bulk(ex_sc, aggregate_by = "Cluster")
markers <- return_markers(ex_sc, num_markers = 15) 
plot_heatmap(ex_sc, genes = unique(unlist(markers)), type = "bulk")


Now that the data has preliminary clusters, we can normalize. SCRAN normalization will first normalize internally in clusters, before normalizing across clusters. Once the data is normalized we can run the same steps as above before visualization. The first step is to select the genes to be used for normalization. One method would be to first only use genes expressed in more than n cells, and then remove the most variable genes. This method can be computationally expensive, and is currently commented out. A simpler approach, counts per million, is also provided below.


Cluster1 Cluster2 Cluster3 Cluster4 
     962      736      362     1752 
# ex_sc_norm <- norm_sc(ex_sc, pool_sizes = c(20,25,30,35,40))
x <- exprs(ex_sc)
cSum <- apply(x,2,sum) # sum counts for each cell
x <- as.matrix(sweep(x,2,cSum,FUN='/'))*1e4 # normalize to UMIs per 10k
ex_sc_norm <- construct_ex_sc(x) # Make a new expression set with normalized counts
pData(ex_sc_norm) <- pData(ex_sc) # Copy over the pData
ex_sc_norm <- calc_libsize(ex_sc_norm, suffix = "CP10k")
plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc_norm, color_by = "UMI_sum_raw")

plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc_norm, color_by = "UMI_sum_CP10k")

Advanced scRNA-seq analysis

Supervised Analysis

From the above analysis, it is clear that some clusters are formed based on their cell type, while others are based on their experimental condition. In these cases it can be useful to incorporate prior information in order to obtain clusters and annotations that are grounded in biological significance. Below, we can assign “panels” similar to flow cytometry, that will enable cell groupings based on the expression of genes that you believe to signify biologically relevant cell types.

panel1 <- c("S100a9", "Mmp9") # Neutrophil Markers
panel2 <- c("Ccr7", "Fscn1", "Flt3") # DC
panel3 <- c("Mertk", "Csf1r") # Mac
panels <- list(panel1, panel2, panel3)
plot_tsne_gene(ex_sc_norm, gene = panels[[1]], title = "", log_scale = T)

plot_tsne_gene(ex_sc_norm, gene = panels[[2]], title = "", log_scale = T)

plot_tsne_gene(ex_sc_norm, gene = panels[[3]], title = "", log_scale = T)

names(panels) <- c("Neutrophil", "Dendritic", "Macrophage")
[1] "S100a9" "Mmp9"  

[1] "Ccr7"  "Fscn1" "Flt3" 

[1] "Mertk" "Csf1r"
ex_sc_norm <- flow_filter(ex_sc_norm, panels = panels, title = "Flow Pass Cells")

ex_sc_norm <- flow_svm(ex_sc_norm, pcnames = "Comp")
Loading required package: lattice
plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc_norm, color_by = "cluster_spectral", facet_by = "Timepoint")

plot_tsne_metadata(ex_sc_norm, color_by = "SVM_Classify")

DE analysis

Now that cells are grouped by their cell type, we can run DE in order to determine which genes are change in association with our experimental conditions.

For simplicity we can subset to 0hr and 4hr, to find the genes that change between these conditions.

It should be noted that DE should always be run on raw counts, not on the normalized counts!

ex_sc_norm_0_4 <- subset_ex_sc(ex_sc_norm, variable = "Timepoint", select = c("0hr", "4hr"))
[1] "Subsetted Data is 2808 cells"

 0hr  4hr 
1729 1079 
table(pData(ex_sc_norm_0_4)[,c("SVM_Classify", "Timepoint")])
SVM_Classify  0hr  4hr
  Dendritic   115  109
  Macrophage 1582  921
  Neutrophil   32   49
findDEgenes(input = ex_sc,
            pd = pData(ex_sc_norm_0_4),
            DEgroup = "Timepoint",
            contrastID = "4hr",
            facet_by = "SVM_Classify",
            outdir = "~/Downloads/")
[1] "Performing DE for Dendritic"
Calculating norm factors...
Estimating dispersion...
Doing likelihood ratio fit...
[1] "Performing DE for Macrophage"
Calculating norm factors...
Estimating dispersion...
Doing likelihood ratio fit...
[1] "Performing DE for Neutrophil"
Calculating norm factors...
Estimating dispersion...
Doing likelihood ratio fit...
# Macrophages
g <- plot_volcano(de_path = "~/Downloads/", de_file = "Macrophage_4hr_DEresults.tsv", fdr_cut = 1E-150, logfc_cut = 1)


mac_de <- unique(g$data$label)
mac_de <- mac_de[-which(mac_de == "")]
plot_violin(ex_sc_norm_0_4, color_by = "Timepoint", facet_by = "SVM_Classify", gene = "Rsad2")

# DCs
g <- plot_volcano(de_path = "~/Downloads/", de_file = "Dendritic_4hr_DEresults.tsv", fdr_cut = 0.0001, logfc_cut = 2)


dc_de <- unique(g$data$label)
dc_de <- dc_de[-which(dc_de == "")]
plot_violin(ex_sc_norm_0_4, color_by = "Timepoint", facet_by = "SVM_Classify", gene = "Ifit1")

# Neutrophils
g <- plot_volcano(de_path = "~/Downloads/", de_file = "Neutrophil_4hr_DEresults.tsv", fdr_cut = 1E-5, logfc_cut = 3)


neut_de <- unique(g$data$label)
neut_de <- neut_de[-which(neut_de == "")]
plot_violin(ex_sc_norm_0_4, color_by = "Timepoint", facet_by = "SVM_Classify", gene = "Mmp9")

# Heatmap of these DE genes
all_de <- c(mac_de, dc_de, neut_de)
  [1] "Rsad2"         "Cxcl10"        "Ccl4"          "Ifit1"        
  [5] "Ccl5"          "Cmpk2"         "Il1b"          "Il12b"        
  [9] "Ccl3"          "Ifit2"         "Irg1"          "Il1a"         
 [13] "Oasl1"         "Il6"           "Cd69"          "Cxcl2"        
 [17] "Cxcl3"         "Tnfsf15"       "Tnf"           "Cd40"         
 [21] "Ccnd2"         "Saa3"          "Ptx3"          "Mx1"          
 [25] "Socs3"         "Gbp5"          "Slc7a2"        "Ifih1"        
 [29] "Sdc4"          "Ifit3"         "Clec4e"        "Ifi47"        
 [33] "Nos2"          "Ch25h"         "Isg15"         "Socs1"        
 [37] "Ifi205"        "Plek"          "Gm14446"       "Gbp2"         
 [41] "Iigp1"         "Marcksl1"      "Plet1"         "Tnfaip3"      
 [45] "AA467197"      "Serpina3g"     "Ptgs2"         "Usp18"        
 [49] "Clic4"         "Ccl2"          "Pyhin1"        "Trim30a"      
 [53] "Slfn5"         "Oasl2"         "Slco3a1"       "Inhba"        
 [57] "Gbp7"          "Mndal"         "Irgm1"         "Irf7"         
 [61] "Ifi203"        "Mnda"          "Cav1"          "Il1rn"        
 [65] "Wdr92"         "Cd14"          "Ccrl2"         "Slc7a11"      
 [69] "Ifi204"        "Nt5c3"         "Parp14"        "Cd274"        
 [73] "Cfb"           "Gbp3"          "Gm12250"       "Helz2"        
 [77] "Peli1"         "Acsl1"         "Il15"          "Ddx58"        
 [81] "Jak2"          "Vcan"          "Fam26f"        "Cflar"        
 [85] "Gm4951"        "Gadd45b"       "Ms4a4c"        "Sh3bp5"       
 [89] "Pim1"          "Trim30d"       "Rtp4"          "Gbp4"         
 [93] "Daxx"          "Pnp"           "Slamf7"        "Igtp"         
 [97] "Ehd1"          "Tap1"          "Sod2"          "Bcl2a1b"      
[101] "Bcl2a1a"       "Nfkbia"        "Znfx1"         "Tnfaip2"      
[105] "Slfn2"         "Csf1r"         "Srgn"          "Ftl1"         
[109] "Dusp2"         "Fgl2"          "Ccl17"         "Lgals9"       
[113] "Cxcl9"         "Cited2"        "Parp9"         "Bcl2l11"      
[117] "Ccl9"          "Dck"           "Sp100"         "Cd86"         
[121] "Bcl2l1"        "Ebi3"          "Cd70"          "Alcam"        
[125] "Ndrg2"         "Dhx58"         "Prkx"          "Xaf1"         
[129] "Snx2"          "Irgm2"         "Nampt"         "Flt3"         
[133] "Dnajc5"        "Cd53"          "Tcf4"          "Tra2a"        
[137] "Phf11b"        "Vopp1"         "Pfkp"          "Zbp1"         
[141] "Parp12"        "Ramp3"         "Lacc1"         "Mylk"         
[145] "Ehd4"          "Usp25"         "Stat5a"        "AI607873"     
[149] "Flnb"          "Bbx"           "Herc6"         "Rapgef2"      
[153] "Tnip3"         "Prkrir"        "Fn1"           "Lcn2"         
[157] "Pla1a"         "Ranbp2"        "Rfk"           "Cd81"         
[161] "Pea15a"        "Tor1aip1"      "Retnlg"        "Lipg"         
[165] "Ccl7"          "H2-M2"         "Slfn4"         "Cycs"         
[169] "Stat2"         "4632428N05Rik" "Hist1h1c"      "Mmp9"         
[173] "Tagap"         "Add3"          "Cdc42ep3"      "Cnn2"         
[177] "Fam101b"       "Cd300lb"       "Mt2"           "Nfkbiz"       
[181] "Cxcl11"        "Slc2a3"        "Mapkapk2"      "R3hdm4"       
[185] "Msl1"          "Tor3a"         "Zfp36l2"       "Csf3r"        
[189] "Capza2"       
ex_sc_norm <- calc_agg_bulk(ex_sc_norm, aggregate_by = c("Timepoint", "SVM_Classify"))
plot_heatmap(ex_sc_norm, genes = c(mac_de, dc_de, neut_de), type = "bulk", facet_by = "SVM_Classify", gene_names = F)

Human Vitiligo Data

We performed scRNA data analysis using SignallingSingleCell on affected and unaffected skin from vitiligo patients, as well as healthy controls, to define the role of each cell type in coordinating autoimmunity during disease progression.

Data Description

The data was generated using suction blistering followed by scRNA-seq on 10 subjects with active vitiligo (treatment-naïve for at least 6 months) and 7 healthy individuals. For each vitiligo subject, we collected 2 sets of blisters, one lesional sample from affected skin and one non-lesional sample from unaffected skin, located at least 10cm away from any visible lesion.

You can find more details in,

For convenience we are providing 3 processed data tables here. One is a raw sparse matrix, that is the output of our processing pipeline with no further manipulation. We are also providing a fully processed UMI table that has been filtered, dimension reduced, clustered, and normalized. The processed UMI table is provided in the expression set class format ( We are also providing a separate processed UMI table for the T Cells.

The raw .fastq files have been deposited through dbGAP.

These files are protected, and you will need an account and to request access to download the files. As of 10/5/21 the data files are processing on the dbGAP server.

Data Exploration

The ExpressionSet Class

The ExpressionSet class (ex_sc) is a convenient data structure that contains 3 dataframes. These dataframes contain expression data, cell information, and gene information respectively.

exprs(ex_sc) is the expression data, where rows are genes and columns are cells.

pData(ex_sc) is cell information, where rows are cells and columns are metadata.

fData(ex_sc) is gene information, where rows are genes and columns are metadata.

 [1] "Patient"         "Disease"         "Phenotype"       "Skin"           
 [5] "UMI_sum_raw"     "x"               "y"               "Cluster"        
 [9] "UMI_sum_norm"    "CellType"        "Cluster_Fig_1B"  "Cluster_Refined"
# Columns 1-4 are all phenotypic metadata related to the patient sample
# Columns 5-12 are all related to cell specific metadata such as tSNE coordinates, Clusters, etc
 [1] "CD8_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"    
 [2] "DC_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"     
 [3] "GD_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"     
 [4] "KRT-B1_marker_score_Cluster_Refined" 
 [5] "KRT-B2_marker_score_Cluster_Refined" 
 [6] "KRT-ECR_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"
 [7] "KRT-GR_marker_score_Cluster_Refined" 
 [8] "KRT-SP_marker_score_Cluster_Refined" 
 [9] "MAC_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"    
[10] "MEL_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"    
[11] "NK_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"     
[12] "TConv_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"  
[13] "Treg_marker_score_Cluster_Refined"   
# The only thing stored in fData right now are cluster marker scores.
# These were calculated with id_markers()

Figure 1B

Reproduce Figure 1B from

plot_tsne_metadata(phs002455_processed_UMItable, color_by = "Cluster_Fig_1B", shuffle = T)

plot_tsne_gene(phs002455_processed_UMItable, gene = c("TRAC", "TYR"))

# Additional plots
plot_violin(phs002455_processed_UMItable, gene = c("IFNG"), color_by = "Skin", facet_by = "Cluster_Refined")

markers <- return_markers(phs002455_processed_UMItable, return_by = "Cluster_Refined", num_markers = 5)
[1] "CD8A" "NKG7" "CCL5" "CD8B" "CD3D"

[1] "CD207"    "CD1A"     "FCER1A"   "HLA-DQB2" "AIF1"    

[1] "TARP"  "TRGC1" "CD8A"  "CCL5"  "TRGC2"

[1] "CYR61"   "COL17A1" "POSTN"   "SYT8"    "RND3"   

[1] "S100A2"   "KRT15"    "CCDC3"    "TP63"     "MIR205HG"

[1] "KRT6B" "MUCL1" "S100P" "MMP7"  "KRT77"

[1] "KRT2"   "LGALS7" "SBSN"   "KLK11"  "KRTDAP"

[1] "KRTDAP"  "LGALS7"  "LGALS7B" "SBSN"    "DMKN"   

[1] "CLEC10A" "FPR3"    "LGALS2"  "LYZ"     "CPVL"   

[1] "APOD" "TYR"  "BCAN" "DCT"  "PLP1"

[1] "SPINK2" "XCL1"   "CTSW"   "KLRB1"  "TRDC"  

[1] "IL32"  "TRBC2" "CD3D"  "CD6"   "CD48" 

[1] "CD27"  "CD3D"  "IL32"  "TRBC2" "CTLA4"
plot_gene_dots(phs002455_processed_UMItable, genes = unique(unlist(markers)), break_by = "Cluster_Refined")

Figure 1C

Reproduce Figure 1C from

plot_tsne_metadata(phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable, color_by = "Cluster", shuffle = T)

plot_tsne_gene(phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable, gene = c("TRAC", "CD4", "CD8A", "FOXP3", "TRGC1", "FCER1G"))

# To create the aggregate bulk heatmaps first calculate the aggregate bulk values
phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable <- calc_agg_bulk(phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable, aggregate_by = "Cluster")
# Then identify markers
phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable <- id_markers(phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable, id_by = "Cluster", overwrite = T)
[1] "Finding markers based on fraction expressing"
[1] "Finding markers based on mean expressing"
[1] "Merging Lists"
markers <- return_markers(phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable)
 [1] "CD8A"  "GZMH"  "CD8B"  "NKG7"  "GZMK"  "GZMB"  "EOMES" "GZMA"  "CCL4" 
[10] "CCL5" 

 [1] "TARP"    "TRGC1"   "TRGC2"   "KLRC3"   "CD8A"    "CD8B"    "NKG7"   
 [8] "FXYD2"   "KIR3DL2" "KLRC2"  

 [1] "SPINK2"    "FCER1G"    "XCL2"      "KLRF2"     "XCL1"      "MB"       
 [7] "TMPRSS11E" "KRT81"     "SPTSSB"    "TRDC"     

 [1] "CD40LG"   "CD4"      "CD6"      "CCR6"     "TNFRSF25" "ADAM19"  
 [7] "IL26"     "CTSH"     "HLF"      "RORA"    

 [1] "CD4"    "FOXP3"  "CTLA4"  "GBP5"   "TBC1D4" "TIGIT"  "CD27"   "LAIR2" 
 [9] "IKZF4"  "F5"    
markers <- unique(unlist(markers))

Now create a heatmap using these values

plot_heatmap(phs002455_TCells_processed_UMItable, type = "bulk", genes = markers)

Basic Network Analysis

Annotate Ligands and Receptors

These functions are still in development, but we have included them for illustration purposes. The goal is to take aggregate bulk CPM values derived from scRNA-seq, cross reference them to a database of ligand and receptor pairs (Ramilowski, Jordan A et al. “A draft network of ligand-receptor-mediated multicellular signalling in human.” Nature communications vol. 6 7866. 22 Jul. 2015, doi:10.1038/ncomms8866), and then construct a network. The first step is to calculate the aggregate bulk CPM values, followed by annotating the ligands and receptors in the data.

# This function is calculating our aggregate bulk CPM values. We have some thresholds (25 CPM or the value will be set to 0, and 15 minimum cells expressing within the group or the value set to 0). This is to greatly reduce the complexity of the network, and reduce spurious nodes with little supporting data.
phs002455_processed_UMItable <- calc_agg_bulk(phs002455_processed_UMItable, aggregate_by = c("Skin", "Cluster_Refined"), group_by = "Skin", cutoff_cpm = 25, cutoff_num = 15)
# The aggregate bulk data is written into fData()
 [1] "1-Healthy_CD8_num_genes_11521_num_cells_311_percent_3.28_bulk"         
 [2] "2-NonLesional_CD8_num_genes_10925_num_cells_197_percent_1.79_bulk"     
 [3] "3-Disease_CD8_num_genes_13319_num_cells_1444_percent_12.13_bulk"       
 [4] "1-Healthy_DC_num_genes_12950_num_cells_1860_percent_19.64_bulk"        
 [5] "2-NonLesional_DC_num_genes_11836_num_cells_753_percent_6.82_bulk"      
 [6] "3-Disease_DC_num_genes_12558_num_cells_1184_percent_9.95_bulk"         
 [7] "1-Healthy_GD_num_genes_9552_num_cells_96_percent_1.01_bulk"            
 [8] "2-NonLesional_GD_num_genes_9891_num_cells_116_percent_1.05_bulk"       
 [9] "3-Disease_GD_num_genes_12381_num_cells_564_percent_4.74_bulk"          
[10] "1-Healthy_KRT-B1_num_genes_8841_num_cells_157_percent_1.66_bulk"       
[11] "2-NonLesional_KRT-B1_num_genes_8561_num_cells_142_percent_1.29_bulk"   
[12] "3-Disease_KRT-B1_num_genes_10920_num_cells_401_percent_3.37_bulk"      
[13] "1-Healthy_KRT-B2_num_genes_12948_num_cells_1909_percent_20.16_bulk"    
[14] "2-NonLesional_KRT-B2_num_genes_13707_num_cells_3924_percent_35.57_bulk"
[15] "3-Disease_KRT-B2_num_genes_13762_num_cells_3721_percent_31.27_bulk"    
[16] "1-Healthy_KRT-ECR_num_genes_7783_num_cells_108_percent_1.14_bulk"      
[17] "2-NonLesional_KRT-ECR_num_genes_6756_num_cells_78_percent_0.71_bulk"   
[18] "3-Disease_KRT-ECR_num_genes_8872_num_cells_171_percent_1.44_bulk"      
[19] "1-Healthy_KRT-GR_num_genes_12351_num_cells_1100_percent_11.61_bulk"    
[20] "2-NonLesional_KRT-GR_num_genes_11157_num_cells_457_percent_4.14_bulk"  
[21] "3-Disease_KRT-GR_num_genes_10234_num_cells_193_percent_1.62_bulk"      
[22] "1-Healthy_KRT-SP_num_genes_13079_num_cells_2593_percent_27.38_bulk"    
[23] "2-NonLesional_KRT-SP_num_genes_13648_num_cells_4431_percent_40.16_bulk"
[24] "3-Disease_KRT-SP_num_genes_12802_num_cells_1871_percent_15.72_bulk"    
[25] "1-Healthy_MAC_num_genes_10720_num_cells_75_percent_0.79_bulk"          
[26] "2-NonLesional_MAC_num_genes_10462_num_cells_63_percent_0.57_bulk"      
[27] "3-Disease_MAC_num_genes_12454_num_cells_192_percent_1.61_bulk"         
[28] "1-Healthy_MEL_num_genes_13299_num_cells_591_percent_6.24_bulk"         
[29] "2-NonLesional_MEL_num_genes_13235_num_cells_503_percent_4.56_bulk"     
[30] "3-Disease_MEL_num_genes_11742_num_cells_151_percent_1.27_bulk"         
[31] "1-Healthy_NK_num_genes_11275_num_cells_228_percent_2.41_bulk"          
[32] "2-NonLesional_NK_num_genes_9811_num_cells_80_percent_0.73_bulk"        
[33] "3-Disease_NK_num_genes_12048_num_cells_365_percent_3.07_bulk"          
[34] "1-Healthy_TConv_num_genes_11591_num_cells_303_percent_3.2_bulk"        
[35] "2-NonLesional_TConv_num_genes_10372_num_cells_145_percent_1.31_bulk"   
[36] "3-Disease_TConv_num_genes_12256_num_cells_571_percent_4.8_bulk"        
[37] "1-Healthy_Treg_num_genes_10566_num_cells_140_percent_1.48_bulk"        
[38] "2-NonLesional_Treg_num_genes_10429_num_cells_144_percent_1.31_bulk"    
[39] "3-Disease_Treg_num_genes_13003_num_cells_1073_percent_9.02_bulk"       
# This function will now cross reference the ligand and receptor database, and then annotate this information into fData
phs002455_processed_UMItable <- id_rl(phs002455_processed_UMItable)
# The ligand and receptor annotations are written into fData(). The IFNG entries are highlighted below.
fData(phs002455_processed_UMItable)[c("IFNG", "IFNGR1", "IFNGR2"),c(53:56)]
       networks_Receptors networks_ligands networks_ligs_to_receptor
IFNG                FALSE             TRUE                      <NA>
IFNGR1               TRUE            FALSE                      IFNG
IFNGR2               TRUE            FALSE                      IFNG
IFNG               IFNGR1_IFNGR2
IFNGR1                      <NA>
IFNGR2                      <NA>

Plot Ligands

vals <- which(fData(phs002455_processed_UMItable)[,"networks_ligands"])
ligs <- rownames(fData(phs002455_processed_UMItable))[vals]
[1] 278
plot_heatmap(phs002455_processed_UMItable, genes = ligs, type = "bulk", cluster_by = "row",facet_by = "Cluster_Refined", pdf_format = "tile", scale_by = "row", cluster_type = "kmeans", k = 15)

Plot Receptors

vals <- which(fData(phs002455_processed_UMItable)[,"networks_Receptors"])
recs <- rownames(fData(phs002455_processed_UMItable))[vals]
[1] 319
plot_heatmap(phs002455_processed_UMItable, genes = recs, type = "bulk", cluster_by = "row",facet_by = "Cluster_Refined", pdf_format = "tile", scale_by = "row", cluster_type = "kmeans", k = 15)

Build ligand and receptor table

Now we can calculate the long format network table. Please note this step is slow and poorly optimized… it needs to be rewritten. On my laptop it takes about 30 minutes to run.

Please keep in mind the network scales exponentially with the number of groups you provide. For each individual ligand or receptor, a node is created when the cell type expresses it, and an edge between all of its expressed pairs. This means that if 5 cells express ligand A which binds to receptor B, there will be 5 ligand A nodes, and an edge from each of them to receptor B node. The more promiscuous a given ligand and receptor interaction, and the more cell types in the data, this network quickly explodes to become unmanageable in size.

We have found 10-15 cell types is the upper limit of what can be done on a local computer without needing a cluster environment.

For convenience a download link to the output file is provided below, however you may opt to run the command on your own.

### Warning Slow!!! Use provided output table for speed. The command is left commented for speed reasons ### 
# network_table <- calc_rl_connections(phs002455_processed_UMItable, nodes = "Cluster_Refined", group_by = "Skin", print_progress = T)
List of 3
 $ Summary         :'data.frame':   507 obs. of  6 variables:
  ..$ Lig_produce           : chr [1:507] "CD8" "CD8" "CD8" "CD8" ...
  ..$ Rec_receive           : chr [1:507] "CD8" "CD8" "CD8" "DC" ...
  ..$ Skin                  : chr [1:507] "1-Healthy" "2-NonLesional" "3-Disease" "1-Healthy" ...
  ..$ num_connections       : int [1:507] 133 141 141 113 115 115 107 106 110 69 ...
  ..$ fraction_connections  : num [1:507] 0.01154 0.01291 0.01059 0.00981 0.01053 ...
  ..$ proportion_connections: num [1:507] 0.0968 0.1004 0.0999 0.0822 0.0819 ...
 $ full_network    :'data.frame':   47540 obs. of  21 variables:
  ..$ Cluster_Refined               : chr [1:47540] "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" ...
  ..$ Ligand                        : chr [1:47540] "GPI" "HLA-A" "HLA-B" "APP" ...
  ..$ Cluster_Refined               : chr [1:47540] "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" ...
  ..$ Receptor                      : chr [1:47540] "AMFR" "APLP2" "CANX" "CAV1" ...
  ..$ Skin                          : chr [1:47540] "1-Healthy" "1-Healthy" "1-Healthy" "1-Healthy" ...
  ..$ Ligand_expression             : num [1:47540] 142.5 412.4 959.8 58.1 59.9 ...
  ..$ Receptor_expression           : num [1:47540] 36.1 31.3 190.2 81.4 81.4 ...
  ..$ Connection_product            : num [1:47540] 5150 12928 182571 4726 4876 ...
  ..$ log10_Connection_product      : num [1:47540] 3.71 4.11 5.26 3.67 3.69 ...
  ..$ Connection_ratio              : num [1:47540] 3.946 13.157 5.046 0.714 0.736 ...
  ..$ log10_Connection_ratio        : num [1:47540] 0.596 1.119 0.703 -0.146 -0.133 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_coarse        : num [1:47540] 1913 1361 308 1971 1957 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_coarse           : num [1:47540] 2.46 2.76 3.64 2.43 2.44 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_coarse_grouped: num [1:47540] 684 493 104 712 705 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_coarse_grouped   : num [1:47540] 2.41 2.7 3.56 2.38 2.39 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_fine          : num [1:47540] 92 52 4 99 95 44 63 161 5 187 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_fine             : num [1:47540] 2.99 3.35 4.38 2.96 2.97 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_fine_grouped  : num [1:47540] 38 23 2 41 40 19 26 62 3 68 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_fine_grouped     : num [1:47540] 2.85 3.2 4.18 2.82 2.83 ...
  ..$ Zscores_genes                 : num [1:47540] 0.0813 -0.3408 -1.5589 0.9897 1.4664 ...
  ..$ Zscores_genes_grouped         : num [1:47540] 0.0538 -0.3484 -1.528 0.9381 1.5023 ...
 $ full_network_raw:'data.frame':   351351 obs. of  21 variables:
  ..$ Cluster_Refined               : chr [1:351351] "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" ...
  ..$ Ligand                        : chr [1:351351] "CALM1" "CALM2" "CALM3" "LIN7C" ...
  ..$ Cluster_Refined               : chr [1:351351] "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" "KRT-SP" ...
  ..$ Receptor                      : chr [1:351351] "ABCA1" "ABCA1" "ABCA1" "ABCA1" ...
  ..$ Skin                          : chr [1:351351] "1-Healthy" "1-Healthy" "1-Healthy" "1-Healthy" ...
  ..$ Ligand_expression             : num [1:351351] 409.5 608.3 203.5 32.3 54.3 ...
  ..$ Receptor_expression           : num [1:351351] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ Connection_product            : num [1:351351] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ log10_Connection_product      : num [1:351351] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ Connection_ratio              : num [1:351351] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ log10_Connection_ratio        : num [1:351351] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_coarse        : num [1:351351] 15109 15109 15109 15109 15109 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_coarse           : num [1:351351] -0.356 -0.356 -0.356 -0.356 -0.356 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_coarse_grouped: num [1:351351] 5035 5035 5035 5035 5035 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_coarse_grouped   : num [1:351351] -0.357 -0.357 -0.357 -0.357 -0.357 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_fine          : num [1:351351] 1145 1145 1145 1145 1145 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_fine             : num [1:351351] -0.327 -0.327 -0.327 -0.327 -0.327 ...
  ..$ Connection_rank_fine_grouped  : num [1:351351] 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 382 ...
  ..$ Connection_Z_fine_grouped     : num [1:351351] -0.329 -0.329 -0.329 -0.329 -0.329 ...
  ..$ Zscores_genes                 : num [1:351351] -0.288 -0.288 -0.288 -0.263 -0.191 ...
  ..$ Zscores_genes_grouped         : num [1:351351] -0.288 -0.288 -0.288 -0.263 -0.19 ...
# The lists contains 3 entries. 
# Summary provides a high level view of the number of connections between cell types.
# full_network is the same as full_network_raw, except that full_network_raw will preserve entries where either the ligand or receptor is 0 in expression. 
   Cluster_Refined Ligand Cluster_Refined Receptor      Skin Ligand_expression
27          KRT-SP    GPI          KRT-SP     AMFR 1-Healthy         142.54554
28          KRT-SP  HLA-A          KRT-SP    APLP2 1-Healthy         412.41139
46          KRT-SP  HLA-B          KRT-SP     CANX 1-Healthy         959.83108
48          KRT-SP    APP          KRT-SP     CAV1 1-Healthy          58.08089
50          KRT-SP  CYR61          KRT-SP     CAV1 1-Healthy          59.91347
51          KRT-SP  GNAI2          KRT-SP     CAV1 1-Healthy         195.81901
   Receptor_expression Connection_product log10_Connection_product
27            36.12779           5149.856                 3.711795
28            31.34619          12927.527                 4.111515
46           190.21150         182570.911                 5.261432
48            81.37710           4726.455                 3.674535
50            81.37710           4875.584                 3.688027
51            81.37710          15935.183                 4.202357
   Connection_ratio log10_Connection_ratio Connection_rank_coarse
27        3.9455924              0.5961122                   1913
28       13.1566661              1.1191459                   1361
46        5.0461254              0.7029580                    308
48        0.7137253             -0.1464689                   1971
50        0.7362448             -0.1329777                   1957
51        2.4063160              0.3813527                   1231
   Connection_Z_coarse Connection_rank_coarse_grouped
27            2.459681                            684
28            2.762894                            493
46            3.635177                            104
48            2.431417                            712
50            2.441651                            705
51            2.831803                            433
   Connection_Z_coarse_grouped Connection_rank_fine Connection_Z_fine
27                    2.405913                   92          2.994012
28                    2.703450                   52          3.351666
46                    3.559407                    4          4.380566
48                    2.378178                   99          2.960674
50                    2.388220                   95          2.972745
51                    2.771069                   44          3.432948
   Connection_rank_fine_grouped Connection_Z_fine_grouped Zscores_genes
27                           38                  2.853324    0.08134314
28                           23                  3.196009   -0.34080106
46                            2                  4.181846   -1.55893737
48                           41                  2.821381    0.98973688
50                           40                  2.832947    1.46642871
51                           19                  3.273889    0.80125671
27            0.05375211
28           -0.34838912
46           -1.52802185
48            0.93809202
50            1.50234668
51            0.77596199

Each row is defined as a cell type expressing a ligand, a cell type expressing the receptor, as well as the condition (Skin, ie Healthy, Non-lesional, Lesional), the expression values of the ligand and receptor, as well as the log10_Connection_product, which is a log10 transformed product of the ligand and expression CPM values.

There are also some basic statistics for these connections (z scores, etc), however these are not used in the manuscript and are beyond the scope of this vignette.

Build igraph object

Now we can take this long format table, and convert it into an igraph object. There are several ways this could be done…

One way would be to create 3 separate networks. One for healthy, one for non-lesional, one for lesional. However this has caveats. Because a ligand or receptor may go from OFF to ON, this means the landscape (the nodes and edges of the network) would change between conditions. To avoid this complexity, we opted to create a network that is a superset of all available networks (merge_all = T argument). In this way all possible nodes and edges are represented. Later on, we then query the original network_table in order to determine the edge values associate with each condition.

Please note that these functions write out files by DEFAULT. These files include plots and data. Set your working directory accordingly to track these files location. The prefix argument determines the prefix for these written files. Here we use the log10_Connection_product as the edge values for this network.

network_igraph <- build_rl_network(input = network_table, merge_all = T, value = "log10_Connection_product", prefix = "scitranslmed.abd8995_network")
[1] "igraph_Network"     "layout"             "clusters"          
[4] "clusters_subgraphs" "interactive"       

The igraph_network is the full network

The layout is a 2D matrix with node positions

Clusters shows the cluster membership of each node

clusters_subgraphs contains the subgraphs for each cluster

interactive is the web browser based display. Keep in mind this renders in browser and can take a long time to fully render for the full network.

Analyze igraph object

The network contains both a main connected body, as well as some orphan ligands and receptors with no annotated edge to connect them to the main network. For this reason, further clustering is only performed on the main graph (subset = 1, subset_on = “connected” arguments)

network_igraph_C1_analyzed <- analyze_rl_network(network_igraph, subset = 1, subset_on = "connected", prefix = "scitranslmed.abd8995_network_C1", cluster_type = "louvain", merge_singles = F)
 [1] "Degree"                  "Node_degree"            
 [3] "Node_betweeness"         "Node_authority"         
 [5] "Edge_degree"             "Edge_betweeness"        
 [7] "Edge_hub"                "Crossing"               
 [9] "Clusters_Results"        "Clusters_individual"    
[11] "Clusters_betweeness"     "Clusters_edge_hub"      
[13] "Clusters_node_authority" "Interactive"            
[15] "igraph_Network"          "layout"                 

The output contains statistics related to the clustering results, as well as individual cluster results and the interactive network.

The html files are a great way to view the network. Please note that they are rendered in the browser, so the full network can take a few minutes to display properly. There are drop down menus that allow you to select a particular node of interest, as well as a particular community (cluster) of the network.

Plot network

input_cell_net <- network_igraph_C1_analyzed$igraph_Network
V(input_cell_net)$membership <- network_igraph_C1_analyzed$Clusters_Results$membership
clusters <- network_igraph_C1_analyzed$Clusters_Results
weights_clusters <- ifelse(crossing(clusters, input_cell_net), 1, 10)
cluster_weighted_layout <- layout_with_fr(input_cell_net, weights = weights_clusters)
edge_colors <- ifelse(crossing(clusters, input_cell_net), "red", "black")
members <- V(input_cell_net)$membership
colopal <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Dark2")
f <- colorRampPalette(colopal)
colopal <- f(length(unique(members)))
colopal <- colopal[as.factor(members)]
     layout = cluster_weighted_layout,
     vertex.color = colopal,
     vertex.size = 1.5,
     vertex.label = "",
     vertex.label.cex = 1,
     vertex.label.color = "black",
     edge.width = 0.1,
     edge.arrow.size = 0.01,
     edge.arrow.width = 0.1,
     edge.color = "gray50")